Dix et al. v. Chicago City Insurance Company

Case # Not Listed


Joel H. Dix et al., to the use of James E. Southworth et al.


Chicago City Insurance Company

Appellant/Plaintiff Attorneys

  • C. Bentley

Appellee/Defendant Attorneys

  • Shumway, Waite, Towne

County of Origin

Cook County


Justice Sidney Breese

Terms of Court

April 1859

Type of Case

Not Listed




22 Ill 272


Not Listed

Case Summary

In these cases, plaintiffs, representing a business, sued Mercantile Insurance Company for failing to honor fire insurance policies. The court upheld a demurrer, ruling the plaintiffs lacked legal interest due to a partner's prior transfer of ownership. The policy's condition voided coverage upon transfer of interest. The court affirmed the judgment.
Notes: This case came before the court upon the same state of pleadings as Dix et al. v. Mercantile Insurance Company. The opinion covers both cases.

Illinois Reports File