Carter v. Moses

Case # Not Listed


Roswell Carter, impleaded, etc.


Hiram P. Moses

Appellant/Plaintiff Attorneys

  • A. E. Wolcott

Appellee/Defendant Attorneys

  • George Herbert

County of Origin

Cook County


Justice Pinkney H. Walker

Terms of Court

April 1865

Type of Case

Not Listed




39 Ill 539


Not Listed

Case Summary

In January 1861, Hiram P. Moses filed a chancery bill against Roswell Carter, Seth Wadhams, J. Young Seammon, and another party. Moses and Wadhams borrowed $3,000 from Carter in 1853, securing it with a deed of trust. Over time, they issued more notes, leading to a dispute. The court ruled in Moses's favor, declaring certain notes paid and ordering Carter to repay $570, but denied recovery of usurious interest. Carter appealed, but the decision stood. At the April term of 1865 a rehearing was requeseted, but subsequently refused.

Illinois Reports File