Adams et al. v. Neeley

Case # Not Listed


Henry P. Adams, Chase, and Mix


Alexander Neeley

Appellant/Plaintiff Attorneys

  • Lull, William Theobald Burgess

Appellee/Defendant Attorneys

  • Stephen Augustus Hurlbut

County of Origin

Boone County


Justice Samuel H. Treat

Terms of Court

June 1854

Type of Case





15 Ill 380

Case Summary

Neeley sued Adams, Chase, and Mix over a promissory note made by Mix & Co. Adams claimed they weren't partners when the note was executed, while Chase argued Mix acted alone without their consent. Neeley didn't respond to these pleas but the circuit court found for Neeley. Despite later agreeing to a new trial, Adams and others didn't pay costs as required. The original judgment, thus, remained valid. The court's decision lacked a basis due to unanswered pleas. Consequently, the Supreme Court reversed and remanded the judgment.

Illinois Reports File