Adams et al. v. Johnson

Case # Not Listed


William H. Adams et al.


James D. Johnson

Appellant/Plaintiff Attorneys

  • Henry Frink, Thomas Hoyne

Appellee/Defendant Attorneys

  • Isaac N. Arnold, Waughoss

County of Origin

Cook County


Justice John D. Caton

Terms of Court

June 1854

Type of Case

Not Listed




15 Ill 345

Case Summary

Johnson sued Adams and others regarding a note for Wood's patent shingle machine and rights assignment within certain districts. Adams presented two defenses: warranty breach and fraudulent vendor representations. The jury found for Johnson and Adams appealed the judgment. After reviewing the trial instructions and evidence, the Supreme Court found no error. The jury's verdict favored Johnson, supported by evidence. The alleged warranty lacked clear intention, and the vendor's statements weren't necessarily fraudulent. The jury's decision was justified. The judgment was upheld.

Illinois Reports File